Thursday, May 14, 2009

Maybe I'm the one who is confused about the role of EMS....

So, had a nice little MVC in town the other night, go to the station, and hop in the officers seat of our 1st due Ambo. Of course I'm all happy because the ANSI Class 2 vests I had just ordered for the squad came in, and this would be their first officiall use. So we get there, going lights and sirens, and I'm all like "Dispatch, show us on location, establishing County Rd Command" (another Big Show moment) Upon size up, I find multiple EMTs from my station on scene commencing pt. care of approx 4 pts, 3 RMA, one transport, 2 Vehicle MVC, in the lane of travel, PD on location with traffic being controlled. However, significant fluid spill requireing FD. So I'm walking from one PT to another, accross the entrance for a supermarket lot, and some jerk off decideds he is gonna go around the accident scene, cut through the middle of it, and almost hit me because hey, he NEEDS to go to the store, Oh, well sorry that me and my accident decided to get in your way. Good thing I was wearing my ANSI II vest. So we make the decision that we are going to transport an elderly female, restrained driver, complainging of slight chest pain, however there is a difference in BPs on right and left arm, so we call out ALS just to check her out. As we are about to leave, we ask the husband if he is going to come with us to Big Tramua Center/Do it all hospital. "Oh well, I live on the way there so you all can just drop me off." "Um sir, if you can find the word 'taxi' on my ambo, i'd be happy to drive you to the hospital, but unfortunatly, in the best interests of your wife needed to go the hospital the fastest and quickest way (which happens to be the opposite way form where you live) and for the sake of my sanity and self respect, we can't" Like seriously, how self centerd was this man to think that we would just drop him off at his house!?! I don't understand where people get these ideas from. Not even on TV do you see things like this happening.